Street Life

Austrian soccer...

This picture may, at first glance, constitute a notoriously arrogant Kraut's mocking of the embarrassing and chronically weak Austrian soccer. But that's not the case! It would be far from my mind ... and would furthermore be completely out of place in the light of the pitiful performance of the effeminate German elves, whose focus these days seem to be on having their hair nicely done for the camera, on showing mainstream-compatible attitude, and whether the Instagram posts from the dressing room are politically correct and in unoffensive gender Esperanto.

Neither is it a photographic pamphlet against the shocking amount of junk thrown into the water of the Lake of Constance shoreline at "Schleienloch" in Hard. To demonstrate that, I could very well publish more drastic pictures than that one here.

But perhaps this brief reflection can serve as a trigger for a memorial minute for a sport formerly played by men?

Schleienloch in Hard at the Lake of Constance. Austria. June 2008.

Canon EOS 10D, EF 70-200mm f 2.8L IS USM @ 135 mm, ISO 100, f 1:8, 1/180 s.